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- Lahore
- info@khawajasirasociety.org.pk
Transgender people have a HIV prevalence rate 7.1 percent in Pakistan.
Fifty-two percent of transgender people report facing stigma and discrimination. The figure increases to 55.8 percent for transgender sex workers.
We provide access to HIV and AIDS diagnostics services including Voluntary Confidential Counseling and Testing and access to Public sector clinics for AIDS treatment (anti retro virals), baseline diagnostics and treatment of opportunistic infections.
We have trained staff that provides voluntary confidential counseling and testing services across district Lahore.
We follow WHO protocols for VCCT and use WHO approved rapid HIV antibody test kits.
VCCT is provided both in drop in center (DIC) and mobile settings to transgender persons who are at high risk.
Are an integral part of HIV and AIDS related services provided by us.
Most of these services are linked with Public sector health care facilities that provide AIDS related treatment and services, treatment of opportunistic infections, TB DOTS program and general medical care.
We continuously reach out to increase the pool of our referral services to other areas e.g. employment, skills training, etc.
a successful event organized collaboratively by Punjab Aid Control Program and Khawaja Sira Society on HIV/AIDS awareness for transgender community and director PACP Dr faisal Masood has open up enabling space for transgender community and ensured that they can get the services and get treatment without stigma and discrimination from health care settings. Participants were provided information on methods of HIV transmission, how to stay protected from HIV. The seminar was followed up by free screening and individual counselling of all the participants.
Khawaja Sira Society is working on HIV/AIDs testing and prevention since 2012 and is actively working for the Transgender community saving their lives and putting the effected person on ART treatment. Today we have conducted HIV treatment and treatment adherence for the community carrying out the sensitization process.